The Incidents module is an optional tool designed to help organisations systematically record, manage, and resolve workplace safety events. It enables efficient documentation of incidents to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
The module will only be visible if an active hiring Client connected to your Supplier account has this feature enabled. For detailed configuration steps, refer to this guide: How to Allow Suppliers to Add Incidents
Access the Incidents Module
Select the module picker > Incidents to access this module. This will open the Incidents List area.
View the Incident List Area
Once you navigate to the Incidents module, you will see the Incident List table. This table displays incident data created within your Supplier account.
Not all Staff User roles can view all incidents. The actions you can perform depend on your assigned role. Refer to the table below for details:
| Admin / Account Owner | Restricted Admin |
1. View All Incidents Created Within the Supplier's Account | ✖️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
2. View Incident They Have Created | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
3. View Restricted/Notifiable Incidents | ✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ |
Filter by Incident Status
The incident status in the Contractor App functions the same way as in the Client App. However, for Suppliers, some of the existing statuses (e.g., Ready to Close, Awaiting Sign off, and Pending Actions) will be simplified to display only the Submitted status.
The easiest way to view and understand Incident Statuses is to explore the Incident List. Follow these steps to search and filter by status:
1. In the Incident List area, select Filters (above the table).
2. In the slide-over panel, locate the Status field. Here, you can view and filter by all possible Incident Statuses.
Draft: The incident has not yet been submitted. The incident form auto-saves in Draft mode while the creator is working on it.
Draft & Notified: The incident has notified a Notification Group, but it has not yet been submitted.
Submitted: The incident has been successfully submitted.
Closed: The incident has been marked as closed (or ‘signed off’) by staff.
3. Select Done to apply the filter.
View Incident Details
To view the incident details, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Incident List area, locate the incident you wish to view, and select Actions.
2. Select View to access the incident details.
3. The Incident Details View will open in read-only mode. No actions can be performed in this view. Corrective Actions and Investigations will not be visible in this view.