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Managing Plant
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Written by Support
Updated over a year ago

1. How do I add a plant?

You can use this guide to add a new plant in Comply Flow. If you do not assign the plant to the client, the adding wizard will stop at this point. You will have to go back to plant details, select the client in the ‘Assign to Clients' section and click the plus button next to it to restart the wizard.

2. How do I upload the plant documents?

All plant document requests will be available on your dashboard and you can use this guide to upload them. If you uploaded a wrong document and are still awaiting approval, go to the plant details, Documents tab and click the 'Delete' button beside the document you want to remove. Click the 'Add Documents' button, fill in the document details, select the proper document category and click the 'Upload' button to finish. The plant’s documentation can be uploaded only after being set a plant category.

3. Why don’t I have any document requests?

If no documents are requested after the adding of the plant is complete, you probably forgot to assign the plant to the client, to the project and did not assign a plant category either. Go back to plant details, select the client in the ‘Assign to Clients' section, then assign a plant category and now you should have the dashboard alerts for the plant you've just added.

4. Why can’t the Project see my plant?

It is possible that you've missed to assign the plant to the client. In order to do that, go to plant details, Clients tab. Select the client in the ‘Assign to Clients' section and select from the list the correct project.

5. I need to delete a plant, how can I do that?

If you accidentally added a plant twice or the plant was added into the system by mistake, please email us the delete request at You may also need to provide the plant ID and the plant type.

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