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Internal Documents for Contractor HR & Record Management
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 years ago

An Internal Document is any Document within a Contractor Account that is not shared with Clients (by default).

Who is this feature for?

This feature is designed to help Contractor Administrators who are managing HR & Admin for their business, alongside managing Worker compliance for Clients. With Internal Documents, both can be managed in one place.

For Admins managing HR, Internal Documents can be used create custom documents (and attach templates) to quickly assign your own workers things like:

  • Employment Contracts

  • Payroll, Tax & Superannuation forms

  • Company Policies & Procedures

  • Non-Disclosure Agreements

  • Employee Handbooks

See instructions below for how to do this in Comply Flow.

Are they verified?

Unlike documents that are requested by Clients you may work with, there is no auditing or verification (approval) of Internal Documents.

The exception here is a “Global Document” (those marked with an


icon) that can be assigned as an Internal Document (share to Clients on a Free plan by default).

Once requested by 1 or more Clients your company works with, these Documents then go through a verification process (handled by Comply Flow experts).

Background / Context

Contractors using Comply Flow have one profile in the system which can be used to manage both internal company (and Worker) records, as well as the option of sharing these records with multiple Clients in the system. Documents are shared with Clients to streamline company pre-qualification, or to demonstrate Worker qualifications and competencies before coming onto site.

To allow Business Users/Contractors this flexibility, and to meet Client requirements, there are now several different ‘classes’ of documents in Comply Flow:

  • Internal Documents

    • Internal Documents are managed only by the Contractor for internal purposes, such as HR or internal safety management (and can be shared with Clients on a Free plan).

  • Global Documents

    • Global Documents are universal, meaning that are valid across all Client accounts they shared with. This saves valuable time and effort as businesses will usually only have to upload each document once - when approved, each Global Document is ‘compliant’ for all Licenced Clients who have requested the Global Document.

  • Client-Specific Documents

    • Client Specific Documents are requested by an individual Client and are only shared with the Client who has requested each Document. Only Clients with a license (Standard or Premium) can configure Document requirements for their contractors.

Internal Document

Global Document

Client Specific Document

Document Approval

No Document Approval

Once approved is valid across all Clients

Approved only for this Client

Document Upload

Once uploaded is only visible to the Business/Contractor (unless Shared to Free Client)

Once uploaded can be shared across all Clients (All Free Clients, by request for Licenced Clients)

Uploaded file only visible by this Client & Contractor

Document Validity

UPLOADED Status Only

Compliance Status valid across all Clients

Compliance Status valid only for the Client who requested the Document

Document Expiration Reminders


Creating and Assigning an Internal Document

Before getting started using Internal Documents in Comply Flow, it is important to think about the needs of your business. Are you primarily using Comply Flow to manage things internally (e.g. HR & Safety) or will you be using Comply Flow to engage external Clients and become compliant for them?

Note: If you may need to share your Worker details with Client Organisations for Compliance purposes in the future, it would be more valuable to use Global Documents


(i.e. standard, country-specific document categories used by most Contractors and Clients) for your Business...

This is because Global Documents can be shared and verified for all your Clients without them having to re-upload the document in the future.

If you need to create a custom document (i.e. no suitable Global Document is available, or you don’t want to share this category of uploaded documents with your Clients), then follow the steps outline below.

Creating an Internal Document

  1. Navigate to Document Types in the side navigation Documents > Document Types

  2. Select the Add Internal Document button in the top right corner

  3. Enter a custom title for your Internal Document (e.g. ‘Tax file number declaration’)

  4. Select the Entity (i.e. is a Worker, Plant or Company Document) for the Document Type you are a creating

  5. Optionally, add a Description and a File Template for your employees/workers to complete. For example, you can attach a blank form or file (such as a TFN declaration form) and use the Description box to provide instructions to your Workers to fill out and re-submit the completed form.

  6. Click Create Document Type

You will then see the newly created Document Type in the Document Types List.

These documents can now be assigned to your employees/workers, plant & vehicles, or your Company

Assigning an Internal Document

To assign the document to one more employees/workers:

  1. Go to Workers > Worker List

  2. Select one or more Workers using the checkboxes and then select Actions > Assign

  3. Select Assign Internal Document(s)

  4. Select Save & Continue

Note: All Workers selected will be notified that new Document requests are on their Dashboard (i.e. they will receive a request to provide the assigned Documents).

Assign/Un-assigning an Internal Document for individual Workers

Internal Documents for individual Workers can be managed from each Worker’s profile

  1. Go to Workers > Worker List

  2. Navigate to the Worker Profile of the Worker you want to Unassign a document by selecting Worker List > Worker

  3. Select Manage Internal Requirements

  4. In this view, you will see all Internal Documents assigned to this Worker

  5. Click the red minus (' - ') button to remove the Document request from this Worker or the Go to (' + ') button to assign a new Internal or Global Document.

If you have any questions about managing Internal Documents in your Contractor Account, please contact

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