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Types of Licences
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Written by Support
Updated over 7 months ago

The Licence your Worker requires depends upon the Client you want to assign them to.

  • Only one Licence is required for a Worker in Comply Flow.

  • A Workers Licence allows them to be assigned to ALL Clients of the same or lesser value Licence Type (see below, Overview)

Licence Type


Pricing (Annual)


The default Licence for Workers added to Comply Flow. Allows Admins to assign Internal Documents & manage HR.

$0 / user p.a.


Licence Type to cover most industries and risk profiles including Property.

Worker can be assigned to any Standard Clients.

$35.00 / user p.a.


Licence Type to cover heavy industry and highly regulated sectors, such as Mining, Manufacturing, Civil Construction.

Worker can be assigned to any Standard or Premium Client.

$70.00 / user p.a.

All prices are exclusive of GST.

Note: The higher licence cost associated with Premium licences is to account for the increased volume of documents and qualifications that need to be reviewed by our safety experts (along with Site requirements, Permits, and other Project workflows)

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