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How to check why someone isn’t compliant?
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Go to Workers tab on the left. Click on 'Clear all Filters' to view all workers before searching for the person you are looking for in the search bar. Click the ‘View’ button next to the person profile.

1. Select 'Documents' tab to check the requested documents and other actions available for every document.

Documents table

Pending Upload = document request is available via Worker/Admin's Dashboard

Awaiting Approval = waiting to be reviewed by the Document Approver or Client

All Documents should be:

Approved = reviewed and approved by the Document Approver or Client

2. Select 'Compliance Settings' tab then click the ‘Manage’ button on table next to the Client name. Check if they have a worker categories and a site assigned. These areas need at least one selection before the correct training requirements are triggered.

NOTE: Depending on the client requirements you might be asked to have other categories assigned to your profile.

3. If any categories are ‘Non Compliant’ they need to become ‘Compliant’. Hover over to check Worker Categories, Client Sites/Projects, Online Training, Plant & Vehicle Categories, and Additional Documents.

Worker Categories table

Shows available categories to assign or remove to the worker's profile.

Client Sites table

Shows the available projects/sites to assign or remove.

Online Training table

Shows online inductions you're requested to complete.

Must Attempt = means they still need to complete the training

All trainings should be:

P = Passed

Plant & Vehicle Categories table

Shows available plant & vehicle categories to assign or remove to the worker's profile.

Additional Documents table

Shows additional document categories to assign or remove to the worker's profile.

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