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Restricted Admin & FAQ's
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 years ago

A Restricted Admin is a new worker role in Comply Flow. This role allows users to access restricted Administrator functionality for the Clients that they work with (i.e. but not across the entire account).

This means that for any Client a Restricted Admin is assigned to, they are able to manage Workers and/or Plant Items that are also assigned to this Client. A Restricted Admin can also add Workers to the Clients they are assigned to and manage their licenses and worker categories (including site access).


1. Why is the Restricted Admin role required?

A key reason for a Restricted Admin role is to solve a problem that arises when a Client/Enterprise Organisation invites an existing Contractor Company to provide services, only to discover they have a new Contractor Administrator that isn't currently a user in Comply Flow.

Often the existing Admin had left their Organisation, leaving no one to manage the account. This led to significant delays in the new Admin gaining access to the account.

Under certain conditions, the Restricted Admin can now get instant access to manage the Client without having access to personal information that already exists in the account.

For similar reasons, the Restricted Admin role is required for large Contractor organisations where there are multiple Administrators who manage their staff for different Clients. The ability to 'restrict' access on an Administrator account also means these users can only view the information that they need to carry out their work (i.e. there is no unnecessary sharing of personal information in an account).

2. How do you create a Restricted Admin?

2.1. Any Worker or Admin in an account can be made into a Restricted Admin by changing their "User Type" from the profile detail (Navigate to Workers > Select a Worker to manage).

a. If there is only 1 Admin role in the account then it is not possible to 'downgrade' this user

2.2. When Self Registering a Contractor Company, if a user registers with an existing ABN and their email domain is matching an existing admin in the account, the user will be added as a Restricted Admin automatically. In this scenario, each existing Admin for the account would also be notified and their either 'Grant Access' (making the user an unrestricted Admin) or they can ignore the request (making no changes to the new account). If the user should not have restricted access, they can be downgraded to a Worker, or archived.

2.3 When New Admin is self registrating using a different domain then the user will receive a message to either 'Enter a different email' or 'Request approval for the email I provided' buttons.

2.3.1 When a user clicks 'Enter a different email' it will be routed back to the registration page and the user can enter the details.

2.3.2 When a user clicks the 'Request approval for the email I provided' button, the user can enter more details on the request and the request will be sent to for review and approval.

3. What happens if access is not granted to Restricted Admin?

If an existing Admin does not grant access then the user will remain as a Restricted Admin. If the user should not have access to the account they can be archived by another Administrator.

4. What happens if the ABN matches but the email is different?

In this case, the request become a Restricted Admin would be sent to the Comply Flow Support Team to be reviewed prior to sending the request to the existing account Administrators. This is to stop anyone outside the Contractor company from gaining access as a Restricted Admin.

5. Can a Restricted Admin be linked to more than 1 Client?

Yes - a Restricted Admin can be linked to 1 or more Clients in the Contractor Account where they would have Admin permissions for Workers and Plant Items for each Organisation they are assigned to.

It is worth noting that the Restricted Admin can be assigned all the Clients in the account, and still be "Restricted". This can be useful when a user should have full access to manage Workers, but should not have access to all Company Documents.

Note: that a Restricted Admin can not access Workers or Plant Items in the account that are not linked to any Client.

6. What permissions do Restricted Admins have to see Workers?

Restricted Admin users can view and manage all Workers that are also assigned to any Clients that they are also assigned to. They can also:

6.1. View Workers they have added that are not yet assigned to any Client

6.2. Manage existing Workers in the same account after successfully verifying each Worker's personal details

Restricted admins are not able to view all other Worker's in the account unless they are Granted Access. This includes not being able to access their personal information and documents.

7. Can a Restricted Admin access Company requirements/Documents?

A Restricted Admin is able to upload Company documents that any of their Clients have requested and they can also view a register of all Company Documents (only Documents that have been uploaded can be downloaded).

8. Can a Restricted Admin access Sites in the Contractor Account?

A Restricted Admin is able to view a list of Sites for all Clients but can only view Site information for their own Clients (and assign these Sites to the Workers they can manage).

9. Can a Restricted Admin access Clients in the Contractor account?

A Restricted Admin is able to view a list of Clients they are assigned to.

10. Can a Restricted Admin use Licenses that have been purchased in my account?

Restricted Admins can access and apply for any pre-purchased Licenses in the account, but they can only be used for Workers or Plant linked to Clients they have access to manage. Restricted Admins should be aware that if the pre-purchase licenses are in the account, they can be used by any Admin (for any Client).

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