Adding Contractor Administrators
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

The person invited as the contractor will, by default, become the administrator. To add other administrators that will have the possibility to upload all company documents, add plant or equipment and manage workers, take the following steps:

Note: The worker should register their profile before they can be assigned an admin. You can also downgrade Worker Admins to regular verified Workers again.

1. Click on the ‘Workers’ tab to enter your worker list.


2. Click the ‘view’ button next to the worker's name you want to create an administrator account for.

3. Click on the 'Edit Details' button.


4. Scroll to the 'User Type' field and select 'Admin' from the dropdown or 'Worker' if you are downgrading.


5. A pop-up will show to confirm the change. Click 'Yes' then click 'Save'.


6. You have successfully created an admin account for that worker. The person will receive a notification email but their login credentials are the same as before.

Note: The email could go to the inbox, spam or junk mail folders.

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