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Managing Workers
Assigning workers to other Projects/Clients
Assigning workers to other Projects/Clients
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

To assign your workers to another Project/Client your company is providing services for, follow the steps below:

1. Click on the ‘Workers’ tab to enter your worker list.


2. Open the person's record by clicking the ‘view’ button next to their name.


3. On the top right of the screen is a ‘Compliance Settings’ table. Select the new project/client from the drop-down options and click the 'Assign Worker' button.

Note: A similar wizard to the adding worker will start and you need to complete it.

A slide panel will direct you to where you can assign categories to your workers. Those with the 'Selection Required' tag are mandatory categories. Make sure to assign at least one category as it will trigger the required Documents and Inductions.

4. To assign a worker category, select a suitable one from the drop-down list (1) and click the 'Assign Worker Categories' button (2) to save. To remove categories click the 'Unassign' button (3).

5. To assign project/site(s) to a worker, scroll down to the Sites table > select one from the drop-down list (1) and click the 'Assign Sites' button (2) to save. To remove sites, click the 'Unassign' (3) button.

6. For a worker who manages plant, scroll down to 'Plant & Vehicle Categories'. Search category or select a suitable one from the drop-down list and click the 'Assign Plant & Vehicle Categories' button to save. To remove categories click the 'Unassign' button.

7. For additional documents scroll down to the 'Additional Documents' table. Search the category or select a suitable one from the drop-down list (1) and click the 'Assign Additional Documents' button (2) to save. To remove documents click the 'Unassign' button (3).

8. To check the Worker Requirements, scroll back to the top of the panel to see the outstanding requirements. Click the link if needed.

If you want Workers to complete their own requirements, you can simply ‘Dismiss’ the alert to hide it. It will still remain on the Workers' own dashboard, where they can upload it themselves.

Note: The administrator can upload photos and documents on behalf of the workers. However, the inductions must be completed by the workers via their Dashboard.

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