Create a Form
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

1. Navigate to the Forms tab and click New Forms


2. In the 'Select Type' area you will find all your clients and the list of available permits and forms. Make your selection then select a Site from the dropdown list. Click 'Create' button to start.


3. Fill in the details and select 'Save and Continue'

Note: Your account may show different questions than the ones below.

a) Fill in the Description
b) Select the Location
c) Enter Further details (eg. building or level)
d) Select the Start date and time from the small calendar icon
e) Select the Expiry date from the small calendar icon. As soon as the form reaches this date it will expire and notifications will come to yourself and the client.
f) The contact person is automatically generated. You can change this to someone else within the company if required.

Note: All the fields marked with the * symbol are mandatory.

3. Follow the prompts to answer all sections, this could include typing, selecting checkboxes or uploading files. Once you complete all the sections check the box at the bottom saying ‘I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature’.

Then click the ‘Save and Submit’ button.

Note: You can save and exit and come back later if you need to prepare more details for the form.


Note: All the fields marked with the * symbol are mandatory.

4. Once the form has been submitted, an email notification will be sent to the Reviewer for approval. You will receive an email when the form status changes.

Note: You may get an email with a request for feedback. If this happens you will need to go back into the forms area and update or add further information based on the feedback.

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