Adding Plant & Vehicles
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

To add plant and vehicles, take the following steps.

1. Click on the ‘Plant & Vehicles’ tab to enter your plant list.


2. From the next screen select ‘Add Plant’.


3. Select the plant 'Category' & ‘Type’ from the drop-down list (1), fill in the plant details and then click on the ‘Next’ button (2).


4. Assign the plant to a client by ticking the checkbox beside it. Then click ‘Next’.


Note: If you don’t assign the plant to a client, the adding wizard will stop and the following screens will no longer be available.

5. Assign the relevant plant categories by ticking the checkboxes on the right beside the correct categories. Then click ‘Next’ button.


6. On the following screen you are able to assign the plant to the project you are already assigned to, by ticking the checkboxes and clicking ‘Next’ to finish the adding wizard.


7. You have successfully added the plant. Document requests will now be displayed on your dashboard.

8. If you mistakenly clicked the ‘Next’ button on step 4 without ticking the checkbox to assign the plant to a client and you wish to continue the adding wizard, on the 'Clients' table next to the plant details, select the client name from the drop down list and click the




Note: To complete the adding process you will now have to go through step4 ->step6.

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