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Managing Existing Equipment
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 years ago

1. When adding new equipment go to 'More' and select ‘Hazchem’.


On the next screen, click the 'Equipment' tab beside Hazchem.


2. You can narrow the results displayed in the equipment table by selecting specific details then click on the ‘Filter’ button (1). In the equipment list you can see each item’s serial number, year of manufacture and calibration dates. You can add new equipment by clicking on the ‘Add’ button, (2) export the equipment table in CSV format by clicking on the ‘Export’ button (3) and upload documents directly by clicking on the upload sign, such as voluntary documents, that are not requested on your dashboard. (4) Click on the ‘View’ button to edit the desired equipment’s records.

Note: Calibration documents cannot be uploaded this way.


Note: The equipment status will be inactive until the ‘Manufacturer Calibration Duration’, calibrations and documents for the equipment are all approved by the responsible staff or by the contractor owner.

3. The following screen will be available if you want to edit equipment details, by clicking on the ‘view’ button next to the equipment.


a) The required type(s) for the equipment can be selected from the drop-down bar (1) and edit other details like serial number, model, accuracy, if they need corrections.
b) ‘Manufacturer Calibration Duration’ (2), is the value counted in days for the calibration of the equipment. It cannot be edited.
c) If this equipment will go on site for another organisation, you can assign it by clicking on the ‘Assign to Organisations’ button (3).
d) Make the necessary changes and click on the ‘Update’ button to confirm and refresh. (4)

4. When selecting the equipment category, click on the the drop-down bar, select the category and click


button. Assigning a category to equipment will generate requests for documents assigned to that equipment category.


5. If you have to select a new project you can do it from the drop-down bar and then click on


to assign it to the desired project.


Note: The only projects you can assign are the ones that your company is already assigned to.

6. The ‘Manufacturer Calibration Duration’ approval details can be found on the table below.


7. In the ‘Equipment Details in Organisations’ table you will be able to see details like organisations the equipment is assigned to, the last and next calibrations date and the equipment status.


8. On the ‘Project Schedule’ table it’s possible to add new schedules by clicking on the ‘Add’ button or clicking on the ‘view’ button to view/update existing ones.


9. Select the project name from the drop down and the start/end date, insert a comment if required and click on the






10. View the equipment’s calibration history and add new calibrations by clicking on the ‘Add’ button (1).

Note: Adding new calibrations will overwrite the old ones. The ‘supersede calibration’ (2) feature is designed to be used in the event that equipment loses calibration before the manufacturers duration expires.


11. When a new calibration is being added the following screen will be available.


a) Select the calibration date (1)

b) Select the organisation for the calibration you are adding (2). If your company is assigned to multiple organisations when adding a new calibration select the organisation for the new adding calibration.

c) Drag in the document for the calibration (3)

d) Input a comment if needed (4)

e) Click the ‘Submit’ button to confirm your calibration (5)

f) Click the ‘Skip’ button if the calibration is not needed (6)

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