To close out actions while in the field via the Inspection app (Android and iPhone), please follow the steps below:
1.Log in to the mobile application using your Comply Flow email address and password, and then proceed to select the identity (organisation).
2. After logging in, tap on the three-bar icon located at the top right corner, then select Sync Inspections > Send / Receive Actions to ensure that your action list is updated.
3. In the Pending Actions section, you will be able to view all incomplete items for which you are responsible.
4. Select the item on which you would like to take action, and you will be directed to the Actions Details section. To complete the action, scroll down and select on the Add Activity button.
5. Selecting the Add Activity button will bring up another view that can also be completed on the web.
Add Photo - Capture a photo or select from the gallery on your phone
Add Comment - Provide a description of the action being undertaken
Date of Action - Include the date of action, set to today's date by default
Completed - Indicate whether the required action has been completed or not. Tap the checkmark button to indicate that the activity has been completed
Undertaken by - This is the person responsible for completing the action
Finally, select the Done button to save your action.
6. After completing the task, select the three-bar icon > Sync Inspections > Send / Receive Actions to send the action details back to the database.